Perinteinen virpomispäivä. Naapurustossa vilisi noitia ja yksi teräsmieskin oli mukana. Mukava perinne ja onneksi muistin varata muutaman karkin vaivanpalkaksi.
Toinen porukka oli jo reissunsa loppupuolella. Heillä oli kori jo pullollaan karkkia, kyllä siitä muutamat mahanpurut ainakin saa.
Today was a traditional pre-easter day, when children dress-up as witches or other characters of easter time folklore stories. Then they go around the neighborhood and say this "virvonvarvon etc" spell to cast happiness for the coming year. I even saw one superman with cape and red boots. He was about 1 meter tall little boy. One group were already towards the end of their route and had basketfuls of candy. I bet if they eat that all, they will have enormous stomach ache.
Quite nice tradition! Luckily I had reseved some candy for treat.
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